Dr Ardalan Armin of the Sêr SAM group from Swansea University and Professor Edward Sargent of University of Toronto are proud to announce their organised Symposium on “Next Generation Photodetectors” within the NanoGe Fall Meeting due to happen online from 18 to 22 October, 2021. The Symposium has received a silver sponsorship from Sêr SAM and CISM which is funded by Sêr Cymru II. The description of topical focus as provided from the NanoGe webpage is as follows:
“Efficient, sensitive and wavelength-selective light detection has become central to modern consumer electronics, and also in science and technology. Photodetectors based on crystalline inorganic elemental materials such as silicon and compound semiconductors are the core of today’s photodetectors. However, a new trend has begun: next generation semiconductors such as organics, perovskites, and nanocrystals are now becoming increasingly interesting candidates for low noise, color-selective, efficient photodetection.
This symposium will focus on next-generation photodetectors. New materials, device architectures and characterisation protocols for photodetectors will be foci.”
Conference topics will include perovskite and organic photodetectors, nanocrystals and low dimensional systems for photodetection, colour-selective and infrared photodetection and many more!
Important dates: Early registration deadline: 1 September 2021 Oral abstract submission deadline: 6 September 2021 Poster abstract deadline: 29 September 2021
Learn more about the nanoGe Fall meeting HERE Learn more about the “Next Generation Photodetectors” Symposium HERE