Sêr SAM's lab is located at Swansea University's Singleton Campus. The group takes care to deliver state of the art research and results and possesses a variety of apparatuses, many of which were built in-house.
Sêr SAM's lab is located at Swansea University's Singleton Campus. The group takes care to deliver state of the art research and results and possesses a variety of apparatuses, many of which were built in-house.

Ms. Rhian Jones
Rhian graduated with a Business Studies degree from the University of Glamorgan in Pontypridd, South Wales. She began her career in the Economic Development department of the Cardiff City Council providing financial support and advice to small businesses. During those early years she studied part time and graduated with an MSc Economic Regeneration Studies from Cardiff University. To conclude the course she completed a research project exploring the links between business clustering and regeneration with a particular focus on the Cardiff Creative Industries. She progressed within the
department to become a Principal Economic Development Officer responsible for the development of various business support projects including the National Superfast Broadband business installation program. In June 2016 she formed part of the secretariat for the Growth and Competitiveness Commission that was established for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal (CCRCD) to undertake an in-depth review of the region’s economy and to provide a recommendation report that would form the basis of the CCRCD Economic Strategy.
After 12 years in this field Rhian decided to return to Swansea to be closer to family and to find a new challenge in her career. In August 2017 she became the Project Manager of the Sêr SAM Group, the jack of all trades! Her role is to ensure the smooth delivery of all aspects of the Project both internally within the University and with External funding bodies. She manages all operational aspects of the project including finance, reporting, audit, KPI’s, recruitment and more recently, forms part of the Project Team for the delivery of the Centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials (CISM).
Rhian is passionate about economic development and the socio-economic impact that can be achieved for regions. Being part of the Sêr SAM Group has allowed her to maintain her contribution to this field working within a research group with strong links to industry and future sustainability through CISM.